The numerical simulation of the water temperature in the Río de la Plata River and Montevideo's Bay was done using the numerical model of finite elements RMA-10 in its 2D vertical integrated mode. Parameters involved in the formulations of thermal exchange with the atmosphere were adjusted using measurements of water temperature in several locations of the water body. After calibrating the model, it was used to represent the operation of a power plant located in Montevideo's Bay. This central takes water from the bay in order to cool its generators and also discharges high-temperature water into the bay. The correct representation of temperatures at the water intake and discharge of the plant reflects that the model is able to represent the operation of the central. Several analysis were made to study the thermal plume, the effects of the water discharge on the water intake of the power plant, and the effect on environmental variables of the study area like currents.
Mónica Fossati. Pablo Santoro. Santiago Urrestarazu. Ismael Piedra-Cueva. "Numerical Study of the Effect of a Power Plant Cooling Water Discharge in the Montevideo Bay." J. Appl. Math. 2011 (SI1) 1 - 23, 2011. https://doi.org/10.1155/2011/970467