2020 An Improved Collocation Approach of Euler Polynomials Connected with Bernoulli Ones for Solving Predator-Prey Models with Time Lag
Behrooz Basirat, Hamid Reza Elahi
Int. J. Differ. Equ. 2020: 1-8 (2020). DOI: 10.1155/2020/9176784


This paper deals with an approach to obtaining the numerical solution of the Lotka–Volterra predator-prey models with discrete delay using Euler polynomials connected with Bernoulli ones. By using the Euler polynomials connected with Bernoulli ones and collocation points, this method transforms the predator-prey model into a matrix equation. The main characteristic of this approach is that it reduces the predator-prey model to a system of algebraic equations, which greatly simplifies the problem. For these models, the explicit formula determining the stability and the direction is given. Numerical examples illustrate the reliability and efficiency of the proposed scheme.


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Behrooz Basirat. Hamid Reza Elahi. "An Improved Collocation Approach of Euler Polynomials Connected with Bernoulli Ones for Solving Predator-Prey Models with Time Lag." Int. J. Differ. Equ. 2020 1 - 8, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/9176784


Received: 1 September 2019; Revised: 6 November 2019; Accepted: 12 December 2019; Published: 2020
First available in Project Euclid: 14 May 2020

MathSciNet: MR4083297
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1155/2020/9176784

Rights: Copyright © 2020 Hindawi

Vol.2020 • 2020
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