We introduce a family of rigid, linearly independent classes in $H^{*}(\operatorname{WU}_{q})$. The family is different from the one studied by Hurder in (Invent. Math. 66 (1982), 313–323), and some of the classes are decomposed into products of elements of $H^{*}(\operatorname{WU}_{q})$. We will show the independence by examining a complexification of Baker’s example in (Comment. Math. Helv. 53 (1978), 334–363).
Taro Asuke. "On independent rigid classes in $H^{*}(\operatorname{WU}_{q})$." Illinois J. Math. 56 (4) 1257 - 1265, Winter 2012. https://doi.org/10.1215/ijm/1399395830