Given a locally compact group $G$ let $\mathcal{J}_a(G)$ denote the set of all closed left ideals $J$ in $L^1(G)$ which have the form $J=[L^1(G)*(\delta_e -\mu)]\overline{\vphantom{t}\ }$ where $\mu$ is an absolutely continuous probability measure on $G$. We explore the order structure of $\mathcal{J}_a(G)$ when $\mathcal{J}_a(G)$ is ordered by inclusion. When $G$ is connected and amenable we prove that every nonempty family $\mathcal{F}\subseteq \mathcal{J}_a(G)$ admits both a minimal and a maximal element; in particular, every ideal in $\mathcal{J}_a(G)$ contains an ideal that is minimal in $\mathcal{J}_a(G)$. Furthermore, we obtain that every chain in $\mathcal{J}_a(G)$ is necessarily finite. A natural generalization of these results to almost connected amenable groups is discussed. Our proofs use results from the theory of boundaries of random walks.
Wojciech Jaworski. "Probability measures on almost connected amenable locally compact groups and some related ideals in group algebras." Illinois J. Math. 45 (1) 195 - 212, Spring 2001. https://doi.org/10.1215/ijm/1258138263