Open Access
Winter 1983 Singularity and absolute continuity with respect to strategic measures
Thomas E. Armstrong, Karel Prikry
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Illinois J. Math. 27(4): 624-658 (Winter 1983). DOI: 10.1215/ijm/1256046253


Extending the result of Prikry and Sudderth that a reverse strategic product measure on $N \times N$ with diffuse marginal measures is singular to all strategic measures (i.e. purely non-strategic) we show in Section 1 that any reverse strategic product measure an $X \times Y$ (where $X$ and $Y$ are arbitrary sets) is purely non-strategic if it has purely finitely additive marginal measures. If there are no real-valued measurable cardinals so all countably additive measures are discrete the Converse is true. In Section 2, we introduce the language of split faces of probability measures as a convenient tool for discussing decompositions of probability measures. In this section we characterize which nearly strategic measures are absolutely continuous with respect to a given strategic measure. In Section 3, atomicity and non-atomicity of strategic measures are characterized. In Section 4, we deal with $\kapa$-additivity of strategic measures for an infinite cardinal $\kapa$. In Section 5, $\kapa$-uniformity of strategic measures is discussed. In Section 6, we give examples of reverse strategic product measures with diffuse marginals, one of which is countably additive, which are strategic. We also examine when a reverse strategic product measure with diffuse marginals, one of which is countably additive, may be purely non-strategic.


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Thomas E. Armstrong. Karel Prikry. "Singularity and absolute continuity with respect to strategic measures." Illinois J. Math. 27 (4) 624 - 658, Winter 1983.


Published: Winter 1983
First available in Project Euclid: 20 October 2009

zbMATH: 0531.28009
MathSciNet: MR720099
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1215/ijm/1256046253

Primary: 28A35
Secondary: 03E55 , 60G30

Rights: Copyright © 1983 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Vol.27 • No. 4 • Winter 1983
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