Open Access
2008 Toward higher chromatic analogs of elliptic cohomology II
Douglas C. Ravenel
Homology Homotopy Appl. 10(3): 335-368 (2008).


Let $p$ be a prime and $f$ a positive integer, greater than 1 if $p = 2$. We construct liftings of the Artin-Schreier curve $C(p, f)$ in characteristic $p$ defined by the equation $y^e = x - x^p$ (where $e = p^f - 1)$ to a curve $\tilde{C}(p, f)$ over a certain polynomial ring $R^\prime$ in characteristic 0 which shares the following property with $C(p, f)$. Over a certain quotient of $R^\prime$, the formal completion of the Jacobian $J( \tilde{C}(p, f))$ has a 1-dimensional formal summand of height $(p - 1)f$. Along the way we show how Honda’s theory of commutative formal group laws can be extended to more general rings and prove a conjecture of his about the Fermat curve.


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Douglas C. Ravenel. "Toward higher chromatic analogs of elliptic cohomology II." Homology Homotopy Appl. 10 (3) 335 - 368, 2008.


Published: 2008
First available in Project Euclid: 1 September 2009

zbMATH: 1178.55004
MathSciNet: MR2475628

Primary: 55N34
Secondary: 14H40 , 14H50 , 14L05 , 55N22

Keywords: algebraic curve , elliptic cohomology , formal group law

Rights: Copyright © 2008 International Press of Boston

Vol.10 • No. 3 • 2008
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