Open Access
2007 Weighted $L^2$–cohomology of Coxeter groups
Michael W Davis, Jan Dymara, Tadeusz Januszkiewicz, Boris Okun
Geom. Topol. 11(1): 47-138 (2007). DOI: 10.2140/gt.2007.11.47


Given a Coxeter system (W,S) and a positive real multiparameter q, we study the “weighted L2–cohomology groups,” of a certain simplicial complex Σ associated to (W,S). These cohomology groups are Hilbert spaces, as well as modules over the Hecke algebra associated to (W,S) and the multiparameter q. They have a “von Neumann dimension” with respect to the associated “Hecke–von Neumann algebra” Nq. The dimension of the i–th cohomology group is denoted bq(Σ)i. It is a nonnegative real number which varies continuously with q. When q is integral, the bq(Σ)i are the usual L2–Betti numbers of buildings of type (W,S) and thickness q. For a certain range of q, we calculate these cohomology groups as modules over Nq and obtain explicit formulas for the bq(Σ)i. The range of q for which our calculations are valid depends on the region of convergence of the growth series of W. Within this range, we also prove a Decomposition Theorem for Nq, analogous to a theorem of L Solomon on the decomposition of the group algebra of a finite Coxeter group.


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Michael W Davis. Jan Dymara. Tadeusz Januszkiewicz. Boris Okun. "Weighted $L^2$–cohomology of Coxeter groups." Geom. Topol. 11 (1) 47 - 138, 2007.


Received: 6 December 2006; Accepted: 6 January 2007; Published: 2007
First available in Project Euclid: 20 December 2017

zbMATH: 1173.20029
MathSciNet: MR2287919
Digital Object Identifier: 10.2140/gt.2007.11.47

Primary: 20F55
Secondary: 20C08 , 20E42 , 20F65 , 20J06 , 46L10 , 51E24 , 57M07 , 58J22

Keywords: $L^2$–cohomology , building , Coxeter group , Hecke algebra , von Neumann algebra

Rights: Copyright © 2007 Mathematical Sciences Publishers

Vol.11 • No. 1 • 2007
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