December 2020 On the number of terms in the irreducible factors of a rational polynomial
Andrew Bremner
Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. 63(2): 189-199 (December 2020). DOI: 10.7169/facm/1849


For an integer $m \geq 3$, does there exist an absolute constant $K(m)$ such that every polynomial with $m$ non-zero coefficients has an irreducible factor with at most $K(m)$ coefficients? A previous result in the literature establishes $K(3) \geq 9$, which is here improved to $K(3) \geq 12$. Improvements on known bounds are also given for $m=4,5,6$, and for $K(m)$, when $m \geq 7$.


Download Citation

Andrew Bremner. "On the number of terms in the irreducible factors of a rational polynomial." Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. 63 (2) 189 - 199, December 2020.


Published: December 2020
First available in Project Euclid: 8 May 2020

MathSciNet: MR4184271
Digital Object Identifier: 10.7169/facm/1849

Primary: 11C08
Secondary: 11R09 , 12D05

Keywords: irreducible factor , non-zero coefficients , polynomial

Rights: Copyright © 2020 Adam Mickiewicz University

Vol.63 • No. 2 • December 2020
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