Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. 34, 27-146, (2005) DOI: 10.7169/facm/1538186585
KEYWORDS: Maass cusp form, Fourier coefficient, Hecke operator, eigenvalue, mean value, Kloosterman sum, Dirichlet character, 11F30, 11A25, 11F11, 11F25, 11F70, 11F72, 11L05, 11L40, 11M06, 33C10
We prove results analogous to certain theorems of Deshouillers and Iwaniec (Invent. Math. 70 (1982), 219-288]. Our proofs parallel theirs in the use made of the summation formulae of Bruggeman and Kuznetsov: where they require a lower bound on eigenvalues $\lambda_j = 1/4 + \kappa^2_j$ of the hyperbolic Laplacian operator (using that of Selberg) we need instead upper bounds on the moduli of the eigenvalues of a Hecke operator, obtaining these from recent work of Kim and Sarnak [J. Amer. Math. Soc. 16 (2003), 139-183]. Specifically, we give new bounds for sums $\sum_{Q/2\lt q\leqslant Q}\sum _{|\kappa_{j}|\leqslant K}|\sum_{N/2 \lt n \leqslant N}b_{n} \rho j(Dn)|^2$, where ($b_n$) is a complex sequence, and $j$ indexes the elements, $u_{j}(z)$, of a suitable orthonormal basis of the space spanned by the Maass cusp forms for the Hecke congruence subgroup $\Gamma_{0}(q)$, while $\rho_{j}(n)$ is the $n$-th Fourier coefficient at the cusp $\infty$ for $u_{j}(z)$, and $D$ is a large positive integer. Our bounds are strongest in cases where every prime factor of $D$ is a small power of $D$.
One application (briefly discussed in the paper) is a new mean-square bound for the modulus of a certain multiple sum involving Dirichlet characters modulo $D$. It is hoped this will be useful in the study of Carmichael numbers.