Open Access
1998 Informal remarks on the orbit structure of discrete approximations to chaotic maps
Oscar E. Lanford III
Experiment. Math. 7(4): 317-324 (1998).


We report the results of some computer experiments on the orbit structure of the discrete maps on a finite set which arise when an expanding map of the circle is iterated "naively" on the computer. We also comment on what mathematical questions ought to be answered in order to account for the reliability in practice of orbit following on the computer as an indicator of the ergodic properties of the underlying map.


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Oscar E. Lanford III. "Informal remarks on the orbit structure of discrete approximations to chaotic maps." Experiment. Math. 7 (4) 317 - 324, 1998.


Published: 1998
First available in Project Euclid: 14 March 2003

zbMATH: 0922.58042
MathSciNet: MR1678095

Primary: 37E05
Secondary: 34D45 , 37E15

Rights: Copyright © 1998 A K Peters, Ltd.

Vol.7 • No. 4 • 1998
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