Open Access
1993 Courbes modulaires et 11-rang de corps quadratiques
Franck Leprévost
Experiment. Math. 2(2): 137-146 (1993).


Nous construisons 53 corps quadratiques imaginaires ayant un 11-rang égal í 3, et sept corps quadratiques réels de 11-rang égal à 2. Ce sont, à notre connaissance, les premiers exemples de tels corps.

We construct 53 imaginary quadratic fields of 11-rank equal to 3, and seven quadratic fields of 11-rank equal to 2. These appear to be the first examples of such fields.


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Franck Leprévost. "Courbes modulaires et 11-rang de corps quadratiques." Experiment. Math. 2 (2) 137 - 146, 1993.


Published: 1993
First available in Project Euclid: 24 March 2003

zbMATH: 0804.11062
MathSciNet: MR1259427

Primary: 11G30
Secondary: 11G18 , 11R11 , 11R29 , 11R65 , 11Y40

Rights: Copyright © 1993 A K Peters, Ltd.

Vol.2 • No. 2 • 1993
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