Experiment. Math. 18 (1), (2009) Open Access
No abstract available
Graham Everest, Valéry Mahé
Experiment. Math. 18 (1), 1-10, (2009) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Elliptic curve, Hall's conjecture, prime, Siegel's theorem, 11G05, 11A41
Clifton Cunningham, Julia Gordon
Experiment. Math. 18 (1), 11-44, (2009) Open Access
KEYWORDS: motivic integration, supercuspidal representations, characters, orbital integrals, 22E50, 03C10
Alexander Engström
Experiment. Math. 18 (1), 45-54, (2009) Open Access
KEYWORDS: discrete Morse theory, Fourier transforms, simplicial complexes, Boolean functions, 57Q99, 57R70, 42B10
Avner Ash, Brandon Bate, Robert Gross
Experiment. Math. 18 (1), 55-64, (2009) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Frobenius classes,, pseudorandom sequences, 11N05, 11K45, 62P99
Nicolas Bernard,, Franck Leprévost, Michael Pohst
Experiment. Math. 18 (1), 65-70, (2009) Open Access
KEYWORDS: genus-2 curves, torsion, modular curves, Jacobians, rational point of order 11, 11Y40, 11G30, 14H40, 14Q05
Anna Scaramuzza
Experiment. Math. 18 (1), 71-84, (2009) Open Access
KEYWORDS: toric varieties, extremal classes, projectivity, algorithms, 14E30, 14M25, 13P10
Christian Weber
Experiment. Math. 18 (1), 85-96, (2009) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Cohomology, symmetric groups, Specht module, Bockstein homomorphism, Zassenhaus algorithm, 20J06, 20C30, 20C10
Guo-Niu Han
Experiment. Math. 18 (1), 97-106, (2009) Open Access
KEYWORDS: partitions, hook length formulas, Lehmer conjecture, t-cores, 05A15, 05A17, 05A19, 11D45, 11P81
D. H. Bailey, J. M. Borwein, R. E. Crandall
Experiment. Math. 18 (1), 107-116, (2009) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Winfree oscillators, high-precision arithmetic, Hurwitz zeta, Richardson extrapolation, 11Y60, 11M06
Morgan Sherman
Experiment. Math. 18 (1), 117-126, (2009) Open Access
KEYWORDS: balanced metrics, 53-04
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