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2004 Invariant Nonassociative Algebra Structures on Irreducible Representations of Simple Lie Algebras
Murray Bremner, Irvin Hentzel
Experiment. Math. 13(2): 231-256 (2004).


An irreducible representation of a simple Lie algebra can be a direct summand of its own tensor square. In this case, the representation admits a nonassociative algebra structure which is invariant in the sense that the Lie algebra acts as derivations. We study this situation for the Lie algebra {\small $sl(2)$}.


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Murray Bremner. Irvin Hentzel. "Invariant Nonassociative Algebra Structures on Irreducible Representations of Simple Lie Algebras." Experiment. Math. 13 (2) 231 - 256, 2004.


Published: 2004
First available in Project Euclid: 20 July 2004

zbMATH: 1139.17300
MathSciNet: MR2068896

Primary: 17-04 , 17A30 , 17B60
Secondary: 17-08 , 17A36 , 17B10 , 17D10

Keywords: anticommutative algebras , computational linear algebra , polynomial identities , representations , Simple Lie algebras

Rights: Copyright © 2004 A K Peters, Ltd.

Vol.13 • No. 2 • 2004
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