Open Access
2001 A Singular Example for the Averaged Mean Curvature Flow
Uwe F. Mayer
Experiment. Math. 10(1): 103-107 (2001).


An embedded curve is presented which under numerical simulation of the averaged mean curvature flow develops first a loss of embeddedness and then a singularity where the curvature becomes infinite, all in finite time. This leads to the conjecture that not all smooth embedded curves persist for all times under the averaged mean curvature flow.


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Uwe F. Mayer. "A Singular Example for the Averaged Mean Curvature Flow." Experiment. Math. 10 (1) 103 - 107, 2001.


Published: 2001
First available in Project Euclid: 30 August 2001

zbMATH: 0982.53061
MathSciNet: MR1 822 855

Primary: 35R35
Secondary: 53C44

Keywords: averaged mean curvature flow , blowup of curvature , immersed curve , loss of embeddedness , numerical experiments

Rights: Copyright © 2001 A K Peters, Ltd.

Vol.10 • No. 1 • 2001
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