Valid online inference is an important problem in contemporary multiple testing research, to which various solutions have been proposed recently. It is well-known that these existing methods can suffer from a significant loss of power if the null p-values are conservative. In this work, we extend the previously introduced methodology to obtain more powerful procedures for the case of super-uniformly distributed p-values. These types of p-values arise in important settings, e.g. when discrete hypothesis tests are performed. To this end, we introduce the method of super-uniformity reward (SUR) that incorporates information about the individual null cumulative distribution functions. Our approach yields several new ‘rewarded’ procedures that offer uniform power improvements over known procedures and come with mathematical guarantees for controlling online error criteria based either on the family-wise error rate (FWER) or the marginal false discovery rate (mFDR). We illustrate the benefit of super-uniform rewarding in real-data analyses and simulation studies. While discrete tests serve as our leading example, we also show the benefit of our method for online p-values weighting. Finally, we present extensions of our theory to online FDR control and stopped mFDR control.
Funding Statement
This work has been supported by ANR-16-CE40-0019 (SansSouci), ANR-17-CE40-0001 (BASICS) and by the GDR ISIS through the ‘projets exploratoires’ program (project TASTY). It is part of project DO 2463/1-1, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
We would like to thank four anonymous referees and an Associate Editor for their helpful comments and suggestions that have result in a considerable improvement of the manuscript. The authors thank Florian Junge for his help regarding technical issues when running the simulations, Natasha Karp for explanations on the IMPC data and Aaditya Ramdas for very constructive discussions.
Sebastian Döhler. Iqraa Meah. Etienne Roquain. "Online multiple testing with super-uniformity reward." Electron. J. Statist. 18 (1) 1293 - 1354, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1214/24-EJS2230