We introduce and study a notion of duality for two classes of optimization problems commonly occurring in probability theory. That is, on an abstract measurable space , we consider pairs where E is an equivalence relation on Ω and is a sub-σ-algebra of ; we say that satisfies “strong duality” if E is -measurable and if for all probability measures on we have
where denotes the space of couplings of and , and where “max” and “min” assert that the supremum and infimum are in fact achieved. The results herein give wide sufficient conditions for strong duality to hold, thereby extending a form of Kantorovich duality to a class of cost functions which are irregular from the point of view of topology but regular from the point of view of descriptive set theory. The given conditions recover or strengthen classical results, and they have novel consequences in stochastic calculus, point process theory, and random sequence simulation.
Funding Statement
This material is based upon work for which the author was supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under Grant No. DGE 1752814.
We thank Steve Evans for many useful conversations, and we thank Jonathan Niles-Weed and Marcel Nutz for their insights about the relationship between strong duality and Kantorovich duality. We also thank the anonymous reviewer for many suggestions that improved the quality of this paper.
Adam Quinn Jaffe. "A strong duality principle for equivalence couplings and total variation." Electron. J. Probab. 28 1 - 33, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1214/23-EJP1016