Open Access
2022 Non-directed polymers in heavy-tail random environment in dimension d2
Quentin Berger, Niccolò Torri, Ran Wei
Author Affiliations +
Electron. J. Probab. 27: 1-67 (2022). DOI: 10.1214/22-EJP873


In this article we study a non-directed polymer model in dimension d2: we consider a simple symmetric random walk on Zd which interacts with a random environment, represented by i.i.d. random variables (ωx)xZd. The model consists in modifying the law of the random walk up to time (or length) N by the exponential of xRNβ(ωxh) where RN is the range of the walk, i.e. the set of visited sites up to time N, and β0,hR are two parameters. We study the behavior of the model in a weak-coupling regime, that is taking β:=βN vanishing as the length N goes to infinity, and in the case where the random variables ω have a heavy tail with exponent α(0,d). We are able to obtain precisely the behavior of polymer trajectories under all possible weak-coupling regimes βN=βˆNγ with γ0: we find the correct transversal fluctuation exponent ξ for the polymer (it depends on α and γ) and we give the limiting distribution of the rescaled log-partition function. This extends existing works to the non-directed case and to higher dimensions.

Funding Statement

Q. Berger, N. Torri and R. Wei are supported by a public grant overseen by the French National Research Agency, ANR SWiWS (ANR-17-CE40-0032-02). N. Torri was also supported by the Labex MME-DII.


The authors would like to thank the referees for their comments and suggestions, which helped improve the quality of the article.


Download Citation

Quentin Berger. Niccolò Torri. Ran Wei. "Non-directed polymers in heavy-tail random environment in dimension d2." Electron. J. Probab. 27 1 - 67, 2022.


Received: 12 July 2021; Accepted: 26 October 2022; Published: 2022
First available in Project Euclid: 17 November 2022

MathSciNet: MR4512391
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/22-EJP873

Primary: 60G70 , 60K37 , 82D60

Keywords: heavy-tail distributions , Random polymer , Random walk , ‎range‎ , sub-diffusivity , Super-diffusivity , weak-coupling limit

Vol.27 • 2022
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