Open Access
2022 Loop-erased partitioning of a graph: mean-field analysis
Luca Avena, Alexandre Gaudillière, Paolo Milanesi, Matteo Quattropani
Author Affiliations +
Electron. J. Probab. 27: 1-35 (2022). DOI: 10.1214/22-EJP792


Given a weighted finite graph G, we consider a random partition of its vertex set induced by a measure on spanning rooted forests on G. The latter is a generalized parametric version of the classical Uniform Spanning Tree measure which can be sampled using loop-erased random walks stopped at a random independent exponential time of parameter q>0. The related random trees—identifying the blocks of the partition—tend to cluster nodes visited by the random walk on time scale 1q. We explore the emerging macroscopic structure by analyzing two-point correlations, as a function of the tuning parameter q. To this aim, it is defined an interaction potential between pair of vertices, as the probability that they do not belong to the same block. This interaction potential can be seen as an affinity measure for “densely connected nodes” and capture well-separated regions in network models presenting non-homogeneous landscapes. In this spirit, we compute this potential and its scaling limits on a complete graph and on a non-homogeneous weighted version with community structure. For such geometries we show phase-transitions in the behavior of the random partition as a function of the tuning parameter and the edge weights. Moreover, as a corollary of our main results, we infer the right scaling of the parameters that give rise to the emergence of “giant” blocks.

Funding Statement

L. Avena and M. Quattropani are supported by NWO Gravitation Grant 024.002.003-NETWORKS. M. Quattropani was partially supported by the INdAM-GNAMPA Project 2019 “Markov chains and games on networks” and the INdAM-GNAMPA Project 2020 “Random walks on random games”.


Part of this work started during the preparation of the master thesis [33] and the authors are thankful to Diego Garlaschelli for acting as co-supervisor of this thesis project.


Download Citation

Luca Avena. Alexandre Gaudillière. Paolo Milanesi. Matteo Quattropani. "Loop-erased partitioning of a graph: mean-field analysis." Electron. J. Probab. 27 1 - 35, 2022.


Received: 14 July 2020; Accepted: 29 April 2022; Published: 2022
First available in Project Euclid: 17 May 2022

MathSciNet: MR4422965
zbMATH: 1504.05270
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/22-EJP792

Primary: 05C81 , 05C85 , 60J10 , 60J27 , 60J28

Keywords: discrete Laplacian , Loop-erased random walk , Random partitions , spanning rooted forests , Wilson’s algorithm

Vol.27 • 2022
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