We derive local semicircle laws for random matrices with exchangeable entries which exhibit correlations that decay slowly in the dimension N of the matrix. To be precise, any ℓ-point correlation between distinct matrix entries may decay at a rate of only . We call our ensembles of (high temperature) Curie-Weiss type, and Curie-Weiss(β)-distributed entries directly fit within our framework in the high temperature regime . Using rank-one perturbations, we show that even in the low-temperature regime , where ℓ-point correlations survive in the limit, the local semicircle law still holds after rescaling the matrix entries with a constant which depends on β but not on N.
We are very grateful to two unknown referees who helped to improve the manuscript by their questions and remarks. In particular, Example 2.9 was constructed in response to one of their questions.
Michael Fleermann. Werner Kirsch. Thomas Kriecherbauer. "Local semicircle law for Curie-Weiss type ensembles." Electron. J. Probab. 27 1 - 27, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1214/22-EJP767