We prove limit theorems for systems of interacting diffusions on sparse graphs. For example, we deduce a hydrodynamic limit and the propagation of chaos property for the stochastic Kuramoto model with interactions determined by Erdös-Rényi graphs with constant mean degree. The limiting object is related to a potentially infinite system of SDEs defined over a Galton-Watson tree. Our theorems apply more generally, when the sequence of graphs (“decorated" with edge and vertex parameters) converges in the local weak sense. Our main technical result is a locality estimate bounding the influence of far-away diffusions on one another. We also numerically explore the emergence of synchronization phenomena on Galton-Watson random trees, observing rich phase transitions from synchronized to desynchronized activity among nodes at different distances from the root.
Roberto I. Oliveira. Guilherme H. Reis. Lucas M. Stolerman. "Interacting diffusions on sparse graphs: hydrodynamics from local weak limits." Electron. J. Probab. 25 1 - 35, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1214/20-EJP505