A variance inequality for spin-flip systems is obtained using comparatively weaker knowledge of relaxation to equilibrium based on coupling estimates for single site disturbances. We obtain variance inequalities interpolating between the Poincaré inequality and the uniform variance inequality, and a general weak Poincaré inequality. For monotone dynamics the variance inequality can be obtained from decay of the autocorrelation of the spin at the origin i.e. from that decay we conclude decay for general functions. This method is then applied to the low temperature Ising model, where the time-decay of the autocorrelation of the origin is extended to arbitrary quasi-local functions.
Florian Völlering. "A variance inequality for Glauber dynamics applicable to high and low temperature regimes." Electron. J. Probab. 19 1 - 21, 2014. https://doi.org/10.1214/EJP.v19-2791