Open Access
2011 Approximation by the Dickman Distribution and Quasi-Logarithmic Combinatorial Structures
Andrew Barbour, Bruno Nietlispach
Author Affiliations +
Electron. J. Probab. 16: 880-902 (2011). DOI: 10.1214/EJP.v16-881


Quasi-logarithmic combinatorial structures are a class of decomposable combinatorial structures which extend the logarithmic class considered by Arratia, Barbour and Tavaré (2003). In order to obtain asymptotic approximations to their component spectrum, it is necessary first to establish an approximation to the sum of an associated sequence of independent random variables in terms of the Dickman distribution. This in turn requires an argument that refines the Mineka coupling by incorporating a blocking construction, leading to exponentially sharper coupling rates for the sums in question. Applications include distributional limit theorems for the size of the largest component and for the vector of counts of the small components in a quasi-logarithmic combinatorial structure.


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Andrew Barbour. Bruno Nietlispach. "Approximation by the Dickman Distribution and Quasi-Logarithmic Combinatorial Structures." Electron. J. Probab. 16 880 - 902, 2011.


Accepted: 4 May 2011; Published: 2011
First available in Project Euclid: 1 June 2016

zbMATH: 1225.60018
MathSciNet: MR2793242
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/EJP.v16-881

Primary: 60C05
Secondary: 05A16 , 60F05

Keywords: Dickman's distribution , Logarithmic combinatorial structures , Mineka coupling

Vol.16 • 2011
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