We consider a stochastic version of the point vortex system, in which the fluid velocity advects single vortices intermittently for small random times. Such system converges to the deterministic point vortex dynamics as the rate at which single components of the vector field are randomly switched diverges, and therefore it provides an alternative discretization of 2D Euler equations. The random vortex system we introduce preserves microcanonical statistical ensembles of the point vortex system, hence constituting a simpler alternative to the latter in the statistical mechanics approach to 2D turbulence.
Funding Statement
AA is member of INdAM (GNAMPA group) and acknowledges partial support by the Italian Ministry for University and Research through PRIN grant 2022XRWY7W, and by the University of Pisa, through project PRA 2022_85. FG was supported by the project Mathematical methods for climate science funded by PON R&I 2014-2020 (FSE REACT-EU). JCM thanks the NSF RTG grant DMS-2038056 for general support and the Visiting Fellow program at the Mathematics Department, University of Pisa.
Andrea Agazzi. Francesco Grotto. Jonathan C. Mattingly. "Random splitting of point vortex flows." Electron. Commun. Probab. 29 1 - 10, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1214/24-ECP594