15 February 2022 Negative immersions for one-relator groups
Larsen Louder, Henry Wilton
Author Affiliations +
Duke Math. J. 171(3): 547-594 (15 February 2022). DOI: 10.1215/00127094-2021-0024


We prove a freeness theorem for low-rank subgroups of one-relator groups. Let F be a free group, and let wF be a nonprimitive element. The primitivity rank of w, π(w), is the smallest rank of a subgroup of F containing w as an imprimitive element. Then any subgroup of the one-relator group G=Fw generated by fewer than π(w) elements is free. In particular, if π(w)>2, then G does not contain any Baumslag–Solitar groups.

The hypothesis that π(w)>2 implies that the presentation complex X of the one-relator group G has negative immersions: if a compact, connected complex Y immerses into X and χ(Y)0, then Y Nielsen reduces to a graph.

The freeness theorem is a consequence of a dependence theorem for free groups, which implies several classical facts about free and one-relator groups, including Magnus’ Freiheitssatz and theorems of Lyndon, Baumslag, Stallings, and Duncan–Howie.

The dependence theorem strengthens Wise’s w-cycles conjecture, proved independently by the authors and Helfer–Wise, which implies that the one-relator complex X has nonpositive immersions when π(w)>1.


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Larsen Louder. Henry Wilton. "Negative immersions for one-relator groups." Duke Math. J. 171 (3) 547 - 594, 15 February 2022. https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2021-0024


Received: 21 March 2018; Revised: 20 December 2020; Published: 15 February 2022
First available in Project Euclid: 17 February 2022

MathSciNet: MR4382976
zbMATH: 07500558
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1215/00127094-2021-0024

Primary: 20E05
Secondary: 05C10 , 05C25 , 20F65 , 57M20

Keywords: Euler characteristic , ‎free groups , one-relator groups

Rights: Copyright © 2022 Duke University Press


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Vol.171 • No. 3 • 15 February 2022
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