We give a generators and relations presentation of the HOMFLYPT skein algebra of the torus , and we give an explicit description of the module corresponding to the solid torus. Using this presentation, we show that is isomorphic to the specialization of the elliptic Hall algebra of Burban and Schiffmann.
As an application, for an iterated cable of the unknot, we use the elliptic Hall algebra to construct a 3-variable polynomial that specializes to the -colored HOMFLYPT polynomial of . We show that this polynomial also specializes to one constructed by Cherednik and Danilenko using the double affine Hecke algebra. This proves one of the connection conjectures in their recent work.
Hugh Morton. Peter Samuelson. "The HOMFLYPT skein algebra of the torus and the elliptic Hall algebra." Duke Math. J. 166 (5) 801 - 854, 1 April 2017. https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-3718881