In the first half of the article, we introduce the notion of the universal unitary completion of a continuous representation of a -adic reductive group on a locally convex -adic vector space, and we prove that such a completion exists under appropriate hypotheses. The problem of studying unitary completions has been raised by Breuil [4] in connection with his work on a possible -adic local Langlands correspondence for , and we relate our construction to certain conjectures of Breuil in [4, Sec. 1.3] for the group . In particular, we show that the universal unitary completion of the locally analytic parabolic induction of a locally algebraic character coincides with the universal unitary completion of the corresponding locally algebraic induction, provided that the character being induced satisfies a noncritical slope condition (see Prop. 2.5). In the second half of the article, we consider a certain unitary Banach space representation of obtained by -adically completing the cohomology of classical modular curves. The mere existence of this representation implies that those locally algebraic, parabolically induced representations of which arise from classical finite-slope newforms have a nontrivial universal unitary completion (verifying a conjecture of Breuil in [4, Sec. 1.3] for these representations), while applying Proposition 2.5 in this context enables us to give a new construction of -adic -functions attached to -stabilized newforms of noncritical slope. Combining our construction with the representation-theoretic definition of -invariants implicit in [5, Cor. 1.1.7], we are able to give a simple proof of the Mazur-Tate-Teitelbaum exceptional zero conjecture in [18, p. 46] (in terms of Breuil's definition of the -invariant)
Matthew Emerton. "-adic -functions and unitary completions of representations of -adic reductive groups." Duke Math. J. 130 (2) 353 - 392, 01 November 05. https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-8230018