1 April 2003 Heights of vector bundles and the fundamental group scheme of a curve
Carlo Gasbarri
Duke Math. J. 117(2): 287-311 (1 April 2003). DOI: 10.1215/S0012-7094-03-11723-8


Let $X$ be a scheme; the fundamental group scheme of $X$, when it exists, is a profinite group scheme that classifies principal homogeneous spaces under finite flat group schemes over $X$. We generalize the construction of the fundamental group scheme given by M. Nori [No] to the case when $X$ is a reduced flat scheme over a Dedekind scheme. We prove that if $X$ is a curve over a $p$-adic field having good reduction, then the prime-to-$p$ part of the fundamental group scheme of $X$ has only finitely many rational representations in ${\rm GL}\sb N$. In the second part of the paper, using tools from Arakelov theory, we construct an intrinsic height on the moduli space of semistable vector bundles (of fixed rank and degree) over a curve defined over a number field. We finally prove that the height of vector bundles over an arithmetic surface $X$ coming from representations of the fundamental group scheme is upper bounded; so we deduce that there are only finitely many isomorphism classes of rational representations of the fundamental group scheme of $X$.


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Carlo Gasbarri. "Heights of vector bundles and the fundamental group scheme of a curve." Duke Math. J. 117 (2) 287 - 311, 1 April 2003. https://doi.org/10.1215/S0012-7094-03-11723-8


Published: 1 April 2003
First available in Project Euclid: 26 May 2004

zbMATH: 1026.11057
MathSciNet: MR1971295
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1215/S0012-7094-03-11723-8

Primary: 14G40
Secondary: 11G30 , 11G50

Rights: Copyright © 2003 Duke University Press

Vol.117 • No. 2 • 1 April 2003
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