2001 Groups of scalings and invariant sets for higher-order nonlinear evolution equations
Victor A. Galaktionov
Differential Integral Equations 14(8): 913-924 (2001). DOI: 10.57262/die/1356123172


Consider a nonlinear $m^{\text{th}}$ order evolution PDE \begin{equation} u_t = \mathbf A(u) \equiv A(x,u,u_1, \dots ,u_m), \quad u=u(x,t), \quad (x,t) \in Q=(0,1) \times [0,1], \tag*{(*)} \end{equation} where $A$ is a $C^\infty$ function and $u_t = \partial u/\partial t$, $u_i = \partial ^i u / \partial x^i$. If (*) is invariant under a group of scalings with the infinitesimal generator $ X =x \frac {\partial}{\partial x} + \mu t \frac {\partial}{\partial t} $ ($\mu$ is a constant ``scaling order" of $\mathbf A$), then the PDE admits exact self-similar solutions depending on the single invariant variable $u(x,t) = {\theta } (\xi)$, $ \xi = x/t^{1/\mu}$, where ${\theta }$ solves a nonlinear $m^{\text{th}}$ order ODE associated with the PDE. We prove that when the operator $\mathbf A$ is composed of a finite sum of operators with different scaling orders, $\mathbf A = \sum \mathbf A_i$, and no group of scalings exists, the exact solutions can be constructed via the invariance of the set $S_0 = \{u: u_1 =F(u)/x\}$ of a contact first-order differential structure, where $F$ is a smooth function to be determined. The time-evolution on $S_0$ is shown to be governed by a first-order dynamical system. We thus observe that besides scaling group properties, the invariance of $S_0$ specifies new sets of solutions described by first-order ODEs. The approach applies to a class of nonlinear parabolic equations of the second and of the fourth order.


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Victor A. Galaktionov. "Groups of scalings and invariant sets for higher-order nonlinear evolution equations." Differential Integral Equations 14 (8) 913 - 924, 2001. https://doi.org/10.57262/die/1356123172


Published: 2001
First available in Project Euclid: 21 December 2012

zbMATH: 1161.35425
MathSciNet: MR1827095
Digital Object Identifier: 10.57262/die/1356123172

Primary: 35K55
Secondary: 35C05 , 35K25 , 35K65

Rights: Copyright © 2001 Khayyam Publishing, Inc.


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Vol.14 • No. 8 • 2001
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