Open Access
2010 Nonlinearized Fourier Approach, Gasdynamic Coherence, and Shock-Turbulence Interaction
Liviu F. Dinu , Marina I. Dinu
Commun. Math. Anal. 8(3): 66-91 (2010).


The present paper considers, in a linearized context, the interaction between two gasdynamic objects: a turbulence model and, respectively, a planar shock discontinuity. The incident turbulence, regarded as a perturbation, is modelled by a nonstatistical/noncorrelative superposition of some finite (or point core) planar vortices. $\bullet$ The linearized (with shock) context assumes a minimal nonlinearity. It considers a linearized problem: a linear problem with a nonlinear subconscious (in the sense of P.D. Lax and A. Majda; see $\S$2). The resultant perturbation is regarded as a solution (``interaction solution") of such a linearized problem. $\bullet$ In presence of a nonlinear subconscious the interaction solution is essentially constructed as an admissible solution.


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Liviu F. Dinu . Marina I. Dinu . "Nonlinearized Fourier Approach, Gasdynamic Coherence, and Shock-Turbulence Interaction." Commun. Math. Anal. 8 (3) 66 - 91, 2010.


Published: 2010
First available in Project Euclid: 20 July 2010

zbMATH: 1197.35162
MathSciNet: MR2738333

Primary: 35L65
Secondary: 35L99 , 35Q35 , 76N10 , 76N15

Keywords: critical character and "relativistic" separation in shock-turbulence interaction , gasdynamic coherence , Lorentz coordinates , Lorentz entities , multidimensional hyperbolic systems of conservation laws , nonlinearized Fourier$-$Snell analysis

Rights: Copyright © 2010 Mathematical Research Publishers

Vol.8 • No. 3 • 2010
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