Alireza Vahidi, Saeid Morsali
Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 28 (5), 615-631, (september 2022) DOI: 10.36045/j.bbms.201230
KEYWORDS: associated prime ideals, cofinite modules, generalized local cohomology modules, 13D07, 13D45
Rongchuan Xiong, Naihong Hu
Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 28 (5), 633-688, (september 2022) DOI: 10.36045/j.bbms.210612
KEYWORDS: Nichols algebra, Hopf algebra, Dual Chevalley property, Dual Radford algebra, 16T05, 16S35, 18D10
Julien Sebag
Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 28 (5), 689-708, (september 2022) DOI: 10.36045/j.bbms.210506
KEYWORDS: Jet scheme, motivic zeta function, motivic monodromy conjecture, quasi-homogeneous hypersurface singularities, 14E18, 14B05, 14J70, 13N10
J. C. Ferrando, J. Ka̧kol
Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 28 (5), 709-721, (september 2022) DOI: 10.36045/j.bbms.210812
KEYWORDS: Distinguished space, injective and projective tensor product, vector-valued continuous function, Fréchet space‎, nuclear space
Kwok-Pun Ho
Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 28 (5), 723-736, (september 2022) DOI: 10.36045/j.bbms.211026
KEYWORDS: Herz spaces, Hardy space, fractional integral operators, extrapolation, homogeneous spaces, variable exponents, 42B20, 42B35, 46E30
Dan Ştefan Marinescu, Eugen Păltănea
Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 28 (5), 737-744, (september 2022) DOI: 10.36045/j.bbms.211105
KEYWORDS: three bisectors problem, Edelstein fixed point theorem, local stability, uniform stability, 47H10, 39B82
Dirceu Bagio, Alveri Sant'Ana, Thaísa Tamusiunas
Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 28 (5), 745-767, (september 2022) DOI: 10.36045/j.bbms.210807
KEYWORDS: groupoid, Group-type partial action, Galois theory, 16W22, 18B40, 20L05
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