may 2021 On the finite dual of a cocommutative Hopf algebroid. Application to linear differential matrix equations and Picard-Vessiot theory.
Laiachi El Kaoutit, José Gómez-Torrecillas
Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 28(1): 53-121 (may 2021). DOI: 10.36045/j.bbms.200218


The main aim of this paper is to give a Hopf algebroid approach to the Picard-Vessiot theory of linear differential matrix equations with coefficients in the polynomial complex algebra. To this end, we introduce a general construction of what we call here \emph{the finite dual} of a co-commutative (right) Hopf algebroid and then apply this construction to the first Weyl algebra viewed as the universal enveloping Hopf algebroid of the Lie algebroid of all vector fields on the affine complex line. In this way, for a fixed linear differential matrix equation of order $\geq 1$, we are able to recognize the associated algebraic Galois groupoid as a closed subgroupoid of the induced groupoid of the general linear group along the trivial map, and show that is a transitive groupoid (i.e., it has only one type of isotropy algebraic groups). The polynomial coordinate ring of the Galois groupoid turns out to be a Hopf sub-algebroid of the finite dual of the first Weyl algebra and its total isotropy Hopf algebra (the bundle of all isotropy algebraic groups) is recognized as the Picard-Vessiot extension of the polynomial complex algebra for the linear differential equation we started with.


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Laiachi El Kaoutit. José Gómez-Torrecillas. "On the finite dual of a cocommutative Hopf algebroid. Application to linear differential matrix equations and Picard-Vessiot theory.." Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 28 (1) 53 - 121, may 2021.


Published: may 2021
First available in Project Euclid: 2 June 2021

Digital Object Identifier: 10.36045/j.bbms.200218

Primary: 12H05 , 13N05 , 16S32 , 16W25 , 18D40 , 18F20 , 18M25 , 20L05 , 34M03 , 46B87
Secondary: 13B05 , 13B25 , 16T15 , 34G10

Keywords: Differential Galois groupoid , Differential modules , Hopf algebroids , Lie algebroids , linear differential equations , Picard-Vessiot extension of differential rings , Rings Of Differential Operators , Tannaka reconstruction

Rights: Copyright © 2021 The Belgian Mathematical Society


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Vol.28 • No. 1 • may 2021
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