Open Access
November 2007 On a Cubic System with Eight Limit Cycles
Shucheng Ning, Bican Xia, Zhiming Zheng
Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 14(4): 595-605 (November 2007). DOI: 10.36045/bbms/1195157129


For a famous cubic system given by James and Lloyd, there exist some sufficient conditions such that the system has eight limit cycles. In this paper, we try to derive by computers the necessary and sufficient conditions for this system to have eight limit cycles. In order to find the symbolic real solutions to semi-algebraic systems where polynomials are Lyapunov quantities, we transform the equations into triangular systems by pseudo-division, locate the real solutions of the last equation and verify the inequalities by the Budan-Fourier theorem. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the system to have eight limit cycles are given under a reasonable limitation.


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Shucheng Ning. Bican Xia. Zhiming Zheng. "On a Cubic System with Eight Limit Cycles." Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 14 (4) 595 - 605, November 2007.


Published: November 2007
First available in Project Euclid: 15 November 2007

zbMATH: 1143.34025
MathSciNet: MR2384456
Digital Object Identifier: 10.36045/bbms/1195157129

Keywords: limit cycle , Polynomial differential system , real solution , symbolic computation

Rights: Copyright © 2007 The Belgian Mathematical Society

Vol.14 • No. 4 • November 2007
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