A discrete version of complex Vekua type equations is considered. We construct a repre\-sentation formula for the solution of the homogeneous complex equation and investigate the inhomogeneous equation. Similar to the continuous case this representation formula is a product of two functions. We also factorize the solution of a homogeneous Vekua type equation in the quaternionic case. In the complex plane we analyse both factors in detail and study the relation between the non-holomorphic factors in the discrete and continuous case.
K. Gürlebeck. A. Hommel. "Discrete Vekua equations with constant coefficients in the complex and quaternionic case." Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 11 (5) 689 - 703, March 2005. https://doi.org/10.36045/bbms/1110205627