Open Access
November 2011 Prediction-based estimating functions: Review and new developments
Michael Sørensen
Braz. J. Probab. Stat. 25(3): 362-391 (November 2011). DOI: 10.1214/11-BJPS148


The general theory of prediction-based estimating functions for stochastic process models is reviewed and extended. Particular attention is given to optimal estimation, asymptotic theory and Gaussian processes. Several examples of applications are presented. In particular, partial observation of a system of stochastic differential equations is discussed. This includes diffusions observed with measurement errors, integrated diffusions, stochastic volatility models, and hypoelliptic stochastic differential equations. The Pearson diffusions, for which explicit optimal prediction-based estimating functions can be found, are briefly presented.


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Michael Sørensen. "Prediction-based estimating functions: Review and new developments." Braz. J. Probab. Stat. 25 (3) 362 - 391, November 2011.


Published: November 2011
First available in Project Euclid: 22 August 2011

zbMATH: 1230.62111
MathSciNet: MR2832891
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/11-BJPS148

Keywords: asymptotic normality , consistency , diffusion with measurement errors , Gaussian process , integrated diffusion , linear predictors , non-Markovian models , optimal estimating function , partially observed system , Pearson diffusion , statistical inference for stochastic processes , Stochastic differential equation , stochastic volatility model , superposition of diffusions

Rights: Copyright © 2011 Brazilian Statistical Association

Vol.25 • No. 3 • November 2011
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