May 2023 Hopf type lemmas for subsolutions of integro-differential equations
Tomasz Klimsiak, Tomasz Komorowski
Author Affiliations +
Bernoulli 29(2): 1435-1463 (May 2023). DOI: 10.3150/22-BEJ1505


In the paper we prove a lower bound for subsolutions of the integro-differential equation: Au+cu=0 in a domain D. It states that there exists a Borel function ψ, strictly positive on D, depending only on the coefficients of the operator A, c and D such that for any subsolution u(), that satisfies supyDSu(y)0, one can find a constant a>0 (that in general depends on u), for which supyDSu(y)u(x)aψ(x), xD. The bound is valid for a wide class of Lévy type integro-differential operators A, non-negative, bounded and measurable function c and a quite general domain DRd. Here DS is a certain set containing the closure of D and determined by the support of the Levy jump measure associated with A. In some cases a non-negative eigenfunction corresponding to the operator in D can be admitted as the function ψ. In particular, this occurs when the transition probability semigroup associated with A is ultracontractive. The main assumptions made about A are: there exists a strong Markov solution to the martingale problem associated with the operator and its resolvent satisfies some minorization condition. This type of a result we call the generalized Hopf lemma.

Funding Statement

T. Klimsiak is supported by Polish National Science Centre: Grant No. 2017/25/B/ST1/00878. Both T. Klimsiak and T. Komorowski acknowledge the support of the Polish National Science Centre: Grant No. 2020/37/B/ST1/00426.


Download Citation

Tomasz Klimsiak. Tomasz Komorowski. "Hopf type lemmas for subsolutions of integro-differential equations." Bernoulli 29 (2) 1435 - 1463, May 2023.


Received: 1 May 2021; Published: May 2023
First available in Project Euclid: 19 February 2023

MathSciNet: MR4550230
zbMATH: 1510.45010
Digital Object Identifier: 10.3150/22-BEJ1505

Keywords: Integro-differential elliptic equation , maximum principle , the Hopf lemma , weak subsolution


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Vol.29 • No. 2 • May 2023
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