May 2023 Detecting approximate replicate components of a high-dimensional random vector with latent structure
Xin Bing, Florentina Bunea, Marten Wegkamp
Author Affiliations +
Bernoulli 29(2): 1368-1391 (May 2023). DOI: 10.3150/22-BEJ1502


High-dimensional feature vectors are likely to contain sets of measurements that are approximate replicates of one another. In complex applications, or automated data collection, these feature sets are not known a priori, and need to be determined.

This work proposes a class of latent factor models on the observed, high-dimensional, random vector XRp, for defining, identifying and estimating the index set of its approximately replicate components. The model class is parametrized by a p×K loading matrix A that contains a hidden sub-matrix whose rows can be partitioned into groups of parallel vectors. Under this model class, a set of approximate replicate components of X corresponds to a set of parallel rows in A: these entries of X are, up to scale and additive error, the same linear combination of the K latent factors; the value of K is itself unknown.

The problem of finding approximate replicates in X reduces to identifying, and estimating, the location of the hidden sub-matrix within A, and of the partition H of its row index set H. Both H and H can be fully characterized in terms of a new family of criteria based on the correlation matrix of X, and their identifiability, as well as that of the unknown latent dimension K, are obtained as consequences. The constructive nature of the identifiability arguments enables computationally efficient procedures, with consistency guarantees.

Furthermore, when the loading matrix A has a particular sparse structure, provided by the errors-in-variable parametrization, the difficulty of the problem is elevated. The task becomes that of separating out groups of parallel rows that are proportional to canonical basis vectors from other, possibly dense, parallel rows in A. This is met under a scale assumption, via a principled way of selecting the target row indices, guided by the successive maximization of Schur complements of appropriate covariance matrices. The resulting procedure is an enhanced version of that developed for recovering general parallel rows in A. It is also computationally efficient, consistent. It has immediate applications to latent space overlapping clustering and the estimation of loading matrices that satisfy a canonical parametrization.

Funding Statement

Bunea and Wegkamp were supported in part by NSF grants DMS-1712709 and DMS-2015195.


We thank the referees and the AE for their many insightful and helpful suggestions. We are grateful to Boaz Nadler for stimulating our interest in this problem, and for suggesting a preliminary version of the score function used in this work.


Download Citation

Xin Bing. Florentina Bunea. Marten Wegkamp. "Detecting approximate replicate components of a high-dimensional random vector with latent structure." Bernoulli 29 (2) 1368 - 1391, May 2023.


Received: 1 September 2021; Published: May 2023
First available in Project Euclid: 19 February 2023

MathSciNet: MR4550227
zbMATH: 07666822
Digital Object Identifier: 10.3150/22-BEJ1502

Keywords: High-dimensional statistics , Identification , latent factor model , matrix factorization , Overlapping clustering , pure variables , replicate measurements


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Vol.29 • No. 2 • May 2023
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