Standard approaches for functional principal components analysis rely on an eigendecomposition of a smoothed covariance surface in order to extract the orthonormal eigenfunctions representing the major modes of variation in a set of functional data. This approach can be a computationally intensive procedure, especially in the presence of large datasets with irregular observations. In this article, we develop a variational Bayesian approach, which aims to determine the Karhunen-Loève decomposition directly without smoothing and estimating a covariance surface. More specifically, we incorporate the notion of variational message passing over a factor graph because it removes the need for rederiving approximate posterior density functions if there is a change in the model. Instead, model changes are handled by changing specific computational units, known as fragments, within the factor graph – we demonstrate this with an extension to multilevel functional data. Indeed, this is the first article to address a functional data model via variational message passing. Our approach introduces three new fragments that are necessary for Bayesian functional principal components analysis. We present the computational details, a set of simulations for assessing the accuracy and speed of the variational message passing algorithm and an application to United States temperature data.
Funding Statement
Tui H. Nolan’s research was supported by a Fulbright scholarship, an American Australian Association scholarship and a Roberta Sykes scholarship. Jeff Goldsmith’s research was supported by Award R01NS097432 from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) and by Award R01AG062401 from the National Institute of Aging. David Ruppert’s research was supported by the National Science Foundation grant AST-1814840.
Tui H. Nolan. Jeff Goldsmith. David Ruppert. "Bayesian Functional Principal Components Analysis via Variational Message Passing with Multilevel Extensions." Bayesian Anal. 20 (1) 1459 - 1485, March 2025. https://doi.org/10.1214/23-BA1393