Open Access
December 2023 Nearest-Neighbor Mixture Models for Non-Gaussian Spatial Processes
Xiaotian Zheng, Athanasios Kottas, Bruno Sansó
Author Affiliations +
Bayesian Anal. 18(4): 1191-1222 (December 2023). DOI: 10.1214/23-BA1405


We develop a class of nearest-neighbor mixture models that provide direct, computationally efficient, probabilistic modeling for non-Gaussian geospatial data. The class is defined over a directed acyclic graph, which implies conditional independence in representing a multivariate distribution through factorization into a product of univariate conditionals, and is extended to a full spatial process. We model each conditional as a mixture of spatially varying transition kernels, with locally adaptive weights, for each one of a given number of nearest neighbors. The modeling framework emphasizes direct spatial modeling of non-Gaussian data, in contrast with approaches that introduce a spatial process for transformed data, or for functionals of the data probability distribution. We study model construction and properties analytically through specification of bivariate distributions that define the local transition kernels. This provides a general strategy for modeling different types of non-Gaussian data based on the bivariate distribution family, and offers avenues to incorporate spatial association via different dependence measures. Regarding computation, direct spatial modeling facilitates efficient, full simulation-based inference; moreover, the framework leverages its mixture model structure to avoid computational issues that arise from large matrix operations, and thus has the potential to achieve scalability. We illustrate the methodology using synthetic data examples and an analysis of Mediterranean Sea surface temperature observations.

Funding Statement

This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under awards MMS 2050012, DMS 2153277, and SES 1950902.


This work is part of the Ph.D. dissertation of X. Zheng, completed at University of California, Santa Cruz. The authors wish to thank the reviewers, an Associate Editor, and an Editor for valuable comments.


Download Citation

Xiaotian Zheng. Athanasios Kottas. Bruno Sansó. "Nearest-Neighbor Mixture Models for Non-Gaussian Spatial Processes." Bayesian Anal. 18 (4) 1191 - 1222, December 2023.


Published: December 2023
First available in Project Euclid: 7 December 2023

MathSciNet: MR4674635
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/23-BA1405

Keywords: Bayesian hierarchical models , copulas , Markov chain Monte Carlo , spatial statistics , tail dependence

Vol.18 • No. 4 • December 2023
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