Open Access
December 2020 Restricted Type II Maximum Likelihood Priors on Regression Coefficients
Víctor Peña, James O. Berger
Bayesian Anal. 15(4): 1281-1297 (December 2020). DOI: 10.1214/19-BA1188


In Bayesian hypothesis testing and model selection, prior distributions must be chosen carefully. For example, setting arbitrarily large prior scales for location parameters, which is common practice in estimation problems, can lead to undesirable behavior in testing (see Lindley’s paradox; Lindley (1957)). We study the properties of some restricted type II maximum likelihood (type II ML) priors on regression coefficients. In type II ML, hyperparameters are “estimated” by maximizing the marginal likelihood of a model. In this article, we define priors by estimating their variances or covariance matrices, adding restrictions which ensure that the resulting priors are at least as vague as conventional proper priors for model uncertainty. We find that these type II ML priors typically yield results that are close to answers obtained with the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC; Schwarz (1978)).


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Víctor Peña. James O. Berger. "Restricted Type II Maximum Likelihood Priors on Regression Coefficients." Bayesian Anal. 15 (4) 1281 - 1297, December 2020.


Published: December 2020
First available in Project Euclid: 23 November 2019

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/19-BA1188

Vol.15 • No. 4 • December 2020
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