Open Access
2024 Posterior Shrinkage Towards Linear Subspaces
Daniel K. Sewell
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Bayesian Anal. Advance Publication 1-24 (2024). DOI: 10.1214/24-BA1414


It is common to hold prior beliefs that are not characterized by points in the parameter space but instead are relational in nature and can be described by a linear subspace. While some previous work has been done to account for such prior beliefs, the focus has primarily been on point estimators within a regression framework. We argue, however, that prior beliefs about parameters ought to be encoded into the prior distribution rather than in the formation of a point estimator. In this way, the prior beliefs help shape all inference. Through exponential tilting, we propose a fully generalizable method of taking existing prior information from, e.g., a pilot study, and combining it with additional prior beliefs represented by parameters lying on a linear subspace. We provide computationally efficient algorithms for posterior inference that, once inference is made using a non-tilted prior, does not depend on the sample size. We illustrate our proposed approach on an antihypertensive clinical trial dataset where we shrink towards a power law dose-response relationship, and on monthly influenza and pneumonia data where we shrink moving average lag parameters towards smoothness. Software to implement the proposed approach is provided in the R package SUBSET available on GitHub.


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Daniel K. Sewell. "Posterior Shrinkage Towards Linear Subspaces." Bayesian Anal. Advance Publication 1 - 24, 2024.


Published: 2024
First available in Project Euclid: 5 March 2024

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/24-BA1414

Keywords: exponential tilting; prior information; posterior inference

Rights: © 2024 International Society for Bayesian Analysis

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