Open Access
October 1999 Removable sets for Sobolev spaces
Pekka Koskela
Author Affiliations +
Ark. Mat. 37(2): 291-304 (October 1999). DOI: 10.1007/BF02412216


We study removable sets for the Sobolev space W1,p. We show that removability for sets lying in a hyperplane is essentially determined by their thickness measured in terms of a concept of p-porosity.

Funding Statement

The author was partially supported by the NSF and the Academy of Finland, SA-34082.


Download Citation

Pekka Koskela. "Removable sets for Sobolev spaces." Ark. Mat. 37 (2) 291 - 304, October 1999.


Received: 21 May 1997; Revised: 20 April 1998; Published: October 1999
First available in Project Euclid: 31 January 2017

MathSciNet: MR1714767
zbMATH: 1070.46502
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/BF02412216

Rights: 1999 © Institut Mittag-Leffler

Vol.37 • No. 2 • October 1999
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