Open Access
May, 1979 Nonparametric Estimation of Markov Transition Functions
Sidney Yakowitz
Ann. Statist. 7(3): 671-679 (May, 1979). DOI: 10.1214/aos/1176344687


Let $\{X_n\}$ be a Markov chain having a stationary transition function and assume that the state set is an arbitrary set in a Euclidean space. The state transition law of the chain is given by a function $F(y|x) = P\lbrack X_{n+1} \leqslant y|X_n = x\rbrack$, which is assumed defined and continuous for all $x$. In this paper we give a statistical procedure for determining a function $F_n(y\mid x)$ on the basis of the sample $\{X_j\}^n_{j=1}, n = 1, 2,\cdots,$ and prove that if the chain is irreducible, aperiodic, and possesses a limiting distribution $\pi$, then with probability 1, $\sup_y|F_n(y|x) - F(y|x)| \rightarrow_n0$ for every $x$ such that any open sphere containing $x$ has positive $\pi$ probability. This result improves upon a study by Roussas which gives only weak convergence. We demonstrate that a certain clustering algorithm is useful for obtaining efficient versions of our estimates. The potential value of our methods is illustrated by computer studies using simulated data.


Download Citation

Sidney Yakowitz. "Nonparametric Estimation of Markov Transition Functions." Ann. Statist. 7 (3) 671 - 679, May, 1979.


Published: May, 1979
First available in Project Euclid: 12 April 2007

zbMATH: 0407.62060
MathSciNet: MR527501
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/aos/1176344687

Primary: 62M05
Secondary: 62G05

Keywords: consistent estimator , hydrologic time series , Markov-chain , nonparametric inference

Rights: Copyright © 1979 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.7 • No. 3 • May, 1979
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