This paper considers the estimation of a location parameter $\theta$ in a one-sample problem. The asymptotic performance of a sequence of estimates $\{T_n\}$ is measured by the exponential rate of convergence to 0 of $\max \{P_\theta(T_n < \theta - a), P_\theta(T_n > \theta + a)\}, \text{say} e(a).$ This measure of asymptotic performance is equivalent to one considered by Bahadur (1967). The optimal value of $e(a)$ is given for translation invariant estimates. Some computational methods are reviewed for determining $e(a)$ for a general class of estimates which includes $M$-estimates, rank estimates and Hodges-Lehmann estimates. Finally, some numerical work is presented on the asymptotic efficiencies of some standard estimates of location for normal, logistic and double exponential models.
Gerald L. Sievers. "Estimates of Location: A Large Deviation Comparison." Ann. Statist. 6 (3) 610 - 618, May, 1978. https://doi.org/10.1214/aos/1176344205