For estimating the mean in the one parameter exponential family with quadratic loss, Karlin (1958) gave sufficient conditions for admissibility of estimators of the form $aX$. Later, Ping (1964) and Gupta (1966) gave sufficient conditions for admissibility of estimators of the form $aX + b$ for the same problem. Zidek (1970) gave sufficient conditions for the admissibility of $X$ for estimating an arbitrary piecewise continuous function of the parameter, say $\gamma(\theta)$, not necessarily the mean. In this paper it is shown that Karlin's argument yields sufficient conditions for the admissibility of estimators of the form $aX + b$ for estimating $\gamma(\theta)$. The results are then extended to the case when the parameter space is truncated.
Malay Ghosh. Glen Meeden. "Admissibility of Linear Estimators in the One Parameter Exponential Family." Ann. Statist. 5 (4) 772 - 778, July, 1977. https://doi.org/10.1214/aos/1176343899