June 2021 A shrinkage principle for heavy-tailed data: High-dimensional robust low-rank matrix recovery
Jianqing Fan, Weichen Wang, Ziwei Zhu
Author Affiliations +
Ann. Statist. 49(3): 1239-1266 (June 2021). DOI: 10.1214/20-AOS1980


This paper introduces a simple principle for robust statistical inference via appropriate shrinkage on the data. This widens the scope of high-dimensional techniques, reducing the distributional conditions from subexponential or sub-Gaussian to more relaxed bounded second or fourth moment. As an illustration of this principle, we focus on robust estimation of the low-rank matrix Θ from the trace regression model Y=Tr(ΘX)+ε. It encompasses four popular problems: sparse linear model, compressed sensing, matrix completion and multitask learning. We propose to apply the penalized least-squares approach to the appropriately truncated or shrunk data. Under only bounded 2+δ moment condition on the response, the proposed robust methodology yields an estimator that possesses the same statistical error rates as previous literature with sub-Gaussian errors. For sparse linear model and multitask regression, we further allow the design to have only bounded fourth moment and obtain the same statistical rates. As a byproduct, we give a robust covariance estimator with concentration inequality and optimal rate of convergence in terms of the spectral norm, when the samples only bear bounded fourth moment. This result is of its own interest and importance. We reveal that under high dimensions, the sample covariance matrix is not optimal whereas our proposed robust covariance can achieve optimality. Extensive simulations are carried out to support the theories.

Funding Statement

The research was supported by NSF Grants DMS-1662139, DMS-1712591, DMS-2015366 and NIH Grant R01-GM072611-14.


Since its availability in arxiv.org in 2015, the paper has gone through many revisions, thanks to various useful comments by referees, AE and Editors.


Download Citation

Jianqing Fan. Weichen Wang. Ziwei Zhu. "A shrinkage principle for heavy-tailed data: High-dimensional robust low-rank matrix recovery." Ann. Statist. 49 (3) 1239 - 1266, June 2021. https://doi.org/10.1214/20-AOS1980


Received: 1 May 2019; Revised: 1 March 2020; Published: June 2021
First available in Project Euclid: 9 August 2021

zbMATH: 1479.62034
MathSciNet: MR4298863
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/20-AOS1980

Primary: 62F35
Secondary: 62J05

Keywords: heavy-tailed data , High-dimensional statistics , low-rank matrix recovery , robust statistics , shrinkage , Trace regression

Rights: Copyright © 2021 Institute of Mathematical Statistics


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Vol.49 • No. 3 • June 2021
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