Nonparametric estimation of mean and covariance functions is important in functional data analysis. We investigate the performance of local linear smoothers for both mean and covariance functions with a general weighing scheme, which includes two commonly used schemes, equal weight per observation (OBS), and equal weight per subject (SUBJ), as two special cases. We provide a comprehensive analysis of their asymptotic properties on a unified platform for all types of sampling plan, be it dense, sparse or neither. Three types of asymptotic properties are investigated in this paper: asymptotic normality, $L^{2}$ convergence and uniform convergence. The asymptotic theories are unified on two aspects: (1) the weighing scheme is very general; (2) the magnitude of the number $N_{i}$ of measurements for the $i$th subject relative to the sample size $n$ can vary freely. Based on the relative order of $N_{i}$ to $n$, functional data are partitioned into three types: non-dense, dense and ultra-dense functional data for the OBS and SUBJ schemes. These two weighing schemes are compared both theoretically and numerically. We also propose a new class of weighing schemes in terms of a mixture of the OBS and SUBJ weights, of which theoretical and numerical performances are examined and compared.
Xiaoke Zhang. Jane-Ling Wang. "From sparse to dense functional data and beyond." Ann. Statist. 44 (5) 2281 - 2321, October 2016. https://doi.org/10.1214/16-AOS1446