The main purpose of this paper is four-fold. First, to prove that the best upper bound on the number of mutually orthogonal $F(n, \lambda)$ squares is $(n - 1)^2/(m - 1)$, where $m = n/\lambda$. Second, to show that this upper bound is achievable if $m$ is a prime or prime power and $\lambda = m^h$. Third, to present a set of four mutually orthogonal $F(6; 2)$ squares design. This latter design is important because there are no orthogonal Latin squares of order 6 which could be used for this purpose. Fourth, to indicate a method of composing orthogonal $F$-squares designs. In addition, we have pointed out the way one may construct orthogonal fractional factorial designs and orthogonal arrays from these designs.
A. Hedayat. D. Raghavarao. E. Seiden. "Further Contributions to the Theory of $F$-Squares Design." Ann. Statist. 3 (3) 712 - 716, May, 1975. https://doi.org/10.1214/aos/1176343134