A central limit theorem is given for certain weighted partial sums of a covariance stationary process, assuming it is linear in martingale differences, but without any restriction on its spectrum. We apply the result to kernel nonparametric fixed-design regression, giving a single central limit theorem which indicates how error spectral behavior at only zero frequency influences the asymptotic distribution and covers long-range, short-range and negative dependence. We show how the regression estimates can be Studentized in the absence of previous knowledge of which form of dependence pertains, and show also that a simpler Studentization is possible when long-range dependence can be taken for granted.
P. M. Robinson. "Large-sample inference for nonparametric regression with dependent errors." Ann. Statist. 25 (5) 2054 - 2083, October 1997. https://doi.org/10.1214/aos/1069362387