Let $\mathscr{E}^n$ be a statistical experiment based on $n$ i.i.d. observations. We compare $\mathscr{E}^n$ with $\mathscr{E}^{n+r_n}$. The gain of information due to the $r_n$ additional observations is measured by the deficiency distance $\Delta (\mathscr{E}^n, \mathscr{E}^{n+r_n})$, i.e., the maximum diminution of the risk functions. We show that under general dimensionality conditions $\Delta(\mathscr{E}^n, \mathscr{E}^{n+r_n})$ is of order $r_n/n$. Further the behavior of $\Delta$ is studied and compared for asymptotically Gaussian experiments. We show that the information gain increases logarithmically. The Gaussian and the binomial family turn out to be--in some sense--opposite extreme cases, with the increase of information asymptotically minimal in the Gaussian case and maximal in the binomial.
Enno Mammen. "The Statistical Information Contained in Additional Observations." Ann. Statist. 14 (2) 665 - 678, June, 1986. https://doi.org/10.1214/aos/1176349945