Open Access
September, 1983 A Normal Limit Law for a Nonparametric Estimator of the Coverage of a Random Sample
Warren W. Esty
Ann. Statist. 11(3): 905-912 (September, 1983). DOI: 10.1214/aos/1176346256


The coverage of a multinomial random sample is the sum of the probabilities of the observed classes. A normal limit law is rigorously proved for Good's (1953) coverage estimator. The result is valid under very general conditions and all terms except the coverage itself are observable. Nevertheless the implied confidence intervals are not much wider than those developed under restrictive assumptions such as in the classical occupancy problem. The asymptotic variance is somewhat unexpected. The proof utilizes a method of Holst (1979).


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Warren W. Esty. "A Normal Limit Law for a Nonparametric Estimator of the Coverage of a Random Sample." Ann. Statist. 11 (3) 905 - 912, September, 1983.


Published: September, 1983
First available in Project Euclid: 12 April 2007

zbMATH: 0599.62053
MathSciNet: MR707940
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/aos/1176346256

Primary: 62G15
Secondary: 60F05 , 62E20

Keywords: cataloging problem , coverage , occupancy problem , total probability , unobserved species , urn models

Rights: Copyright © 1983 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.11 • No. 3 • September, 1983
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